This is a reminder of my childhood. It's why I don't offer my opinion on any of it. People of this generation simply don't have a clue as to the history of the area--and they don't want to learn about it. The one thing the Arabs want to do, is destroy Israel. That's it! They always have. Damn it, those Jews though...they are a resilient lot. I remember Arafat and how much he hated Israel. They ALL hated Israel, and swore that they'd destroy it. And then Israel stood up like David facing Goliath, and that's all she wrote. When Sadat offered peace and Israel accepted, the Arabs killed Sadat. Yes, Israel is right, and still, the world blames them for defending themselves? If they didn't, the Arab world would swoop down and wipe them out. Would the world condemn them for it, or say, yeah, but they had it coming. I might not say much, but I'll never support the Arabs. I'm sorry there's been such senseless killing, but it's always been senseless...and it will probably never stop. When this is over, they'll go back to the drawing board and do it again in another twenty or thirty years.

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I doubt the assertion in 6. d. Of the population of Mandatory Palestine as 40% Jewish. The census of 1922 showed about 78% Muslim, 11% Jewish, 9.5% Christian. https://www.cjpme.org/fs_007

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PS., under no circumstances do I want Jews killed, not even the ultra orthodox even though I deplore all extremist forms of religion and politics.

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I have been re-reading Elie Wiesel's memoir, Night, as well as some of his speeches. What would he want to tell Israel and Palestine if he were here? If he is looking down from the ether worlds, surely he is shaking his head in despair.

I learned a lot from your post, but am also considering what Dr. Gabor Maté said on YiuTube six months ago. His words are what convinced me that Netanyahu missed a great opportunity to do the right thing by the Palestinians. Then again, Iran backed Hamas - awful bestial acts must be countered.... this is damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Still, innocents are suffering. And chances are all the remaining hostages are most likely killed by the Israeli bombs.

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