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politics is the ass-end of life. everything imaginable goes on and then here comes the old cow. the best politicians merely have the lowest delay and might, on one or two occasions, make people believe they aren't reactionaries.

or call it the last step in bringing us full circle. they can never present us with a solution or provide a fuller picture. their duty is to ferry along the communal bowl without taking a swig for themself. and the hot topic debates will not see their end until a spiritual movement defeats the illusions and does something real like freeing slaves or cashing checks.

so the cities, our most wondrous cities. where human beings are stacked high as sky-scrappers stand. sadly there's not much to fix for as long as they subscribe to being made to live like machinery runs. they'll continue to be shuffled into smaller spaces with darker lighting for as long as they choose not to live somewhere else. the market speaks and it says; you and 100 other people want this square footage, who's the highest bidder?

if you're born into it I can't blame you for wanting to stay but then you would also agree some people are born into being politicians and can you blame them? say the privilege of being a new yorker is that you live in new york and the privilege of iowa is that you get courted by people way out of your league. i don't expect our system to ever change just like I don't expect americans to ever sell off their firearms. show me a spiritual cause that can bring tears from millions of people. all i see is dry. a tic-tac has more interest to me at this point.

a spiritual cause. not an emotional cause. those are different things. consider that our system is at a low-point right now, high in chaos and pain, because we've still not adapted to the big-tech paradigm that's rearranging our guts as we speak. we're in a transition and thereby we're more focused on staying alive than on improving the quality of life because in transitions the weak are culled. but this is a subtle thing--we're mostly okay, just discomforted. eventually...and if not eventually something's irreversibly broke...we'll come out the other side and sing of a most holy unity. as of now the politicians try to lead us in song but the audience isn't down. the lyrics are shit.

popular elections make me gag. you're a part of many orders of things. why strike down the truth? you haven't owned your life and neither have i. we're just pieces. by default. by command. by desire. by it all. there has to be a system and this is the system and there is no better or worse because that's politics and i refuse to hurt. i can't even think of anything to write anymore. i'm all out of ideas because none of it matters.

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