The Vicious Pigs of Memphis – Why Blacks kill Blacks, why Jews kill Jews, etc.
David Gottfried
I offer this video simply to show you that sometimes white cops attack a mostly white crowd and that race, contrary to some irrational reductivists, is not determinative of everything.
I don’t like posting videos, but I sometimes heed the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” and America and the internet both feel too much like ancient Rome, with throngs of stormy, febrile voices of hysteria and hate, a yen for huge spectacles ala the arena as reality TV assaults us with murders and suicides committed for the camera, and people dream of gods and demons ala Qanon and its confederates.
The narrative accompanying the video can largely be ignored as it buries the biggest reason for demonstrating at the 68 convention: The convention was an undemocratic sham as 80 percent of the voters in the Democratic primaries that year had voted for candidates opposed to the Vietnam War, Kennedy and Mc Carthy, but 60 percent of the delegates supported Humphrey, who supported the Vietnam war.
Now, for the article on blacks killing blacks, etc.:
There is perhaps one flicker of hope with respect to the ghoulish Police killing in Memphis. Because 5 black pigs killed a black man, perhaps Americans will once and for all disabuse themselves of the notion that police killings are solely a matter of white cops killing blacks. Although a huge percentage of unlawful police killings concern white cops and black victims, plenty of times the victim is white.
First, a few personal recollections:
I was nearly killed by the police in 1980. I had just gotten off the D subway train at the Coney Island station. (At the time, I lived in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn, New York.) Within a minute of exiting the train, a man, who was not wearing a police uniform, placed a gun about three inches from my right temple. His first words were, “One false move and I’ll shoot.”
I was terrified. Since he was wearing plainclothes, I thought he was a common crook or hoodlum and didn’t realize that he was part of the legal battalions of criminals, otherwise known as the police. I am very lucky I did not take “one false move” as he promised that he would shoot me if I had. Because of my fright, I was liable, as are many people, to go into spasms, to jerk around or to even attempt to run. Powerful threats of immediate destruction are not conducive to calm and measured behavior.
A few minutes later, I was taken to a mini police station at the Coney Island station of the NYC subway system. I was thrown into a cell which already housed about 15 other guys with fair hair, wearing black leather jackets, who were between 15 and 30. Apparently, a woman complained that a young guy, with the aforementioned attributes, had stolen a piece of jewelry from her while she had been on the subway.
We waited for about two hours. Then, the woman appeared and said that none of the guys collected by the cops were guilty. We were then permitted to leave the station. Before I left, the cops asked me where I had been. I said that I had been in New York’s Greenwich village. The cops of course had to make a snide comment and so they said that I was a faggot who had been to Greenwich Village. I went home, and I prayed that the black panthers would come back to life and shoot those bastards.
Of course, I witnessed many other instances of police brutality and oppression. One of the more egregious cases concerned ACT UP, which was pleading for, among other things, more research dollars to fight AIDS which, at the time of the police pogrom I am referring to, almost invariably led to death. 10 NYC policeman badgered, bullied and broke the bones of a frail demonstrator who, as a consequence of the bullies in blue, suffered, among other things, permanent brain damage.
But my point here is not that police brutality exists. Every sentient creature, with perhaps a few cretins from the Trump set, knows that police brutality is pervasive. Instead, I want to address why blacks may persecute fellow blacks, why Jews may persecute Jews etc.
Blacks may persecute fellow blacks, Jews may persecute Jews, and Giuliani may persecute other Italians because of a phenomenon known as “identification with the aggressor.”
When a member of what is considered a victimized class imagines that he is a victimizer, he moves out of the victim class. He is no longer one of the hunted, he is now one of the hunters. He is no longer murdered; he wears the arrogant crown of a murderer.
Why did Rudy Guiliani, a man who behaves like he’s in the mafia, prosecute alleged mafia hoods so severely ?
He did this, in part, to become an honorary Wasp to the elite lawyers in the “white shoe” law firms. And also because by prosecuting the mafia, he announces to himself and others that he is not in the mob.
The Jewish Ghetto of Lodz:
In Poland, the Nazis set up “Judenrats,” or Jewish governments, to run the affairs of the Jewish ghettos. By enlisting Jewish assistance, the Nazis found it easier to slaughter the Jews, and a few Jewish pigs imagined, for a very short time (eventually, the Nazis came for everyone) that they were elite, elect and just a bit Aryan.
The most perverse and gruesome results occurred in the ghetto of Lodz. The leader of the Lodz ghetto, Rumkowski, started small on his path toward infamy. First, he was primarily known for seizing, and using for his sexual satisfaction, young boys who pleased his sadistic fancies. Jewish voices from Warsaw noted that he was taking property away from poor Jews and giving it to rich Jews. The coup de grace occurred on or around Yom Kippur 1942:
At that time, the Nazis proclaimed, or Runkowski in the service of the Nazis proclaimed, that all Jewish children in Lodz under a certain age – I don’t remember the age, but I think it was about 9 year of age – had to be surrendered to the Nazis. For some heinous reason I am not aware of, Rumkowski succeeded in casting a hex on the Jews of Lodz, and the Jewish babies were surrendered. Obviously, babies were not able to serve as good slave labor and were eminently expendable.
Before I go onto other examples of people killing other people like themselves, I must note that there are plenty of Jews who were not collaborative cowards and money-grubbing sharks. There were of course the glorious Jews of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. There were the Jewish Partisans, who fought in the forests and fields and did everything to sabotage and turn to cinders the Nazi war machine. And for the most part, these were the Jews who followed Marx as much or more than they followed Moses. And of all the Jewish ghettos of Poland, Bialystock was the one that gave the Nazis the fiercest Resistance. Bialystock was in Eastern Poland and had been under Soviet control from September 1939 until June 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. When Bialystock had been under Soviet control, the Jews had been indoctrinated, organized and trained to become more militant and to be prepared to fight the Nazis. (Many of you may doubt this given the Moscow-Berlin non-aggression pact of August 1939, but see my article on why and how that pact was surreal and bound to rupture from the day it was signed. Footnote 1) Bialystock was where the Jews fought most heroically, save for one shining, strident example of blistering battle: Sobibor, a concentration camp where the Jews, aided by Jews with Russian miliary training, rebelled, scaled the electrified perimeter like Joshua winning the battle of Jericho, and escaped from that dastardly house of death.
Mr. Bergman, nursing home crook extraordinaire:
Now back to the honor roll of infamy: Consider Mr. Bernard Bergman. He was a Jewish dude, and I think he may have even been a Rabbi, who owned several decrepit, dreadful nursing homes which housed, in addition to roaches and rats, thousands of poor, elderly Jews. Although the Jews were poor, Bergman’s homes were profitable as government programs paid for the care of his elderly clients. However, he didn’t spend the oodles of money he got from the government on his patients; he spent it on himself. And this Goddamn man of God let his Jewish patients slowly rot and die as they suffered bed sores on miserable little cots that were stinking of piss and shit.
The Triangle Shirt Waist Fire of 1911:
This fire took place on the 10 th and 11 th floors (or it may have been the 9th to 11th floors) of a sweatshop in New York City. The employees consisted, exclusively or almost exclusively, of teenage Immigrant girls of Jewish and Italian heritage. Because the doors to the enterprise were locked, so the girls could not steal and escape with 10 cents worth of fabric, the girls could not leave. Because the sweatshop started at the 9th floor, the ladders, on fire trucks, could not reach the girls. Most of the girls died. Many of them simply jumped to their death, as did the people who jumped from the world trade center 90 years later. Between 100 and 200 girls died.
And who were the owners of the establishment ? A Jewish man, or a Jewish partnership, owned and operated that fire trap where roughly one half of the workers were Jews.
Black-Jewish acrimony
At times, there has been a lot of acrimony between blacks and Jews. I think the identification with the aggressor phenomenon is often a culprit.
For a black man to feel more like a white and privileged man in America, he may want to ape the biases and bigotry of the historically most privileged men of America: White Christian men. By being an anti semite, a black man can pretend, at least in his unconscious mind, that he is pals and on a par with Ashly and Rhett and all cavaliers of Dixie. Similarly, for a Jew to feel a bit more like a smug and entitled white Christian, he can downplay his Jewishness and concentrate on his whiteness. By being anti-black, a Jew can feel as if he is aligned with Richard Nixon and Micael Pence and enjoy the kingly life of Christians.
Footnote 1:
My article explains that an article, which appeared in the NY Times at the end of 1938, correctly predicted that because the West had been so supportive of Hitler, by letting him take the Sudetenland, etc., Russia would try to eventually preempt the West’s game of appeasement and enter into a deal with Hitler. Everyone knew that the deal was farcical as immediately after it was signed, Russia and Germany argued over Rumania. Interestingly enough, George Keenan, the American Dean of the school of containing communism, wrote that Russia was being holy unreasonable to Nazi Germany with respect to Rumania.